It is with great joy that Gloria Vanderhorst and I share with you the news that we are just launching “The World of Collaborative Practice – A Magazine Promoting Collaborative Dispute Resolution for the Full Range of Possibilities.”
This will be a free, online publication in which active discussion can take place as well. In addition to articles, we will offer multimedia items as well including interviews. Read more about it here.
This is definitely not a ‘professionals only’ publication. We want the whole world to hear what you have to say!
Our first collection will publish on 11/1/11. And we invite YOU to submit pieces for consideration. See the guidelines here. You can sign up here for our mailing list if you’d like to hear about our new articles and growth!
For more details, and to book mark the site, visit the magazine at: www.
Gloria Kay Vanderhorst, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
8701 Georgia Avenue
Suite 713
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 301-578-8760Fax: 1-202-204-5659
Dupont Medical Building
1234 19th Street NW,
Suite 901,
Washington, DC 20036
Attorney, Mediator, Coach, Counselor
Executive Director, Collaborative Practice Professionals of Illinois